Born: 1883
Education: Medical College of Virginia
Position at VCU: MCV School of Medicine
Died: 1940

Emory Hill, a native of Scottsville, Va., earned a B.A. from Columbia University before graduating from the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) in 1906. His internship at the Philadelphia Orthopaedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases brought him in contact with the eminent neurologist Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. Hill, however, moved on to another internship at the noted Wills Eye Hospital and commence his work in this specialty area. Continuing his education at the University of Chicago, Hill later accepted a position at Rush Medical School. In 1919 he returned to his native Virginia, set up an ophthalmology practice in Richmond, and accepted a faculty role at his alma mater.  MCV appointed him professor of ophthalmology in 1929 and he directed the department and the teaching of the specialty until his sudden death in 1940.

Artist: Silvette, Ellis M.
Date: 1960
Location: VCU Health Sciences Library