VCU Libraries Gallery


Edward R. Crews, “A Virginia Hospital Abroad: U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 45 in the Great War,” Virginia Cavalcade, Spring 1993, 178-191.

Joseph F. Geisinger, Ed., U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 45 In The Great War. Richmond: The William Byrd Press, 1924.

Arthur F. Hurst, Medical Diseases of the War, 2nd Ed. (London: Edward Arnold, 1918), 309-316.

M. W. Ireland, Comp., The Medical Department of The United States Army in The World War, Vol. XIV: Medical Aspects of Gas Warfare. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1926.

M. W. Ireland, American Expeditionary Forces Circular No. 34: Short Resume of the Symptoms and Treatment of Poisoning by Irritant Gases. France: Office of the Chief Surgeon, 1918.