VCU Libraries Gallery

Anderson Gallery Exhibitions

List of the Anderson Gallery Exhibitions through the years.

(Source: Anderson Gallery, 45 Years of Art on the Edge, and the Anderson Gallery Collection archives)

  • 1970: Anderson Gallery formally opens in November. VCU Student Exhibitions: painting, drawing, printmaking, crafts, sculpture.
  • 1971: Five Washington Sculptors. Paintings by Dr. Joseph Schwarz. Sculpture (students & faculty). Student Exhibition: Painting and Printmaking. Crafts (students & faculty). Virginia Craftsmen. Recent Paintings & Works on Paper (faculty). Selections from the Permanent Art Collection, VCU School of the Arts. Bart Seigel: Sculptures. Martha L. Fauntleroy: A Memorial Exhibition. Richard Kevorkian: Recent Paintings. Works by Eight New Faculty. William Lumpkins: Sculpture. Official opening, Sales & Loan Gallery sponsored by VCU Women’s Club. John Pugh Collection of Oriental Art. Molas from the San Blas, from the F. Louis Hoover Collection of Cuna Art. Works by Three VCU Faculty.
  • 1972: Sculpture & Related Art Forms (students, faculty & out-of-state artists). University of Kentucky Student & Faculty Exchange Exhibition. Annual Foundation Program Student Exhibition. Painting Senior Exhibition. Communication Arts & Design Photography Exhibition. Brighton Polytechnic (UK) Student Exhibition. Drawings: Senior Exhibition, Fashion Art & Design. Black Art (students). Crafts (students & faculty). Sophomore Painting & Sculpture. Faculty Print Exhibition. Our Town: Phil Megg’s Junior Design Class. Graduate Thesis Exhibitions. Alice Tangerini. Roslyn Ehrenhalt. Prints & Photographs. Barry Lewis: Prints. The Ubiquitous Sign, Environmental Graphics. Selections from VCU’s Permanent Art Collection. Barbara McDonald: Fabric Forms. Painting & Printmaking (faculty). Charles Oden. John K. Pugh Collection: Jade & Ivory. Sculpture: Italo Scanga. Harry Anderson. Art Education (students & faculty). Sister Gertrude Morgan: Paintings. VCU Student Drawing Exhibition. Photography, Communication, Arts & Design, Crafts, Sculpture (faculty). Turid Huf Teague: Tapestries. Winslow Homer: Prints from the Permanent Collection. Willie Anne Wright.
  • 1973: Eugene Atget Photographs: 1900-1925. Sculpture (students & faculty). Painting Biennial I. Old Dominion University Faculty. Theresa Pollak: Drawings. Communication Arts & Design (students & faculty). Annual Foundation Program Student Exhibition. Davi Det Hompson: An International Cyclopedia of Plans & Occurrences. Crafts & Interior Design (students & faculty). Two from the Mid-West: Ken Holder & Harold Gregor. Graphics ‘72/Japan. Craftsmen’s Biennial II. Three Student Printmakers. Student & Faculty Exhibition. New Acquisitions & Selections from the Permanent Collection. Allen Hurdle: Recent Works. Contemporary American Prints: From the Collection of Jack Broughton. Student Work/Summer 1973. Painting & Printmaking (faculty). University Graphics, USA. Sixteen Women Artists from Richmond. James Van Der Zee, Photographer. Jon Arceneaux: Painting & Drawings. Photographs of Depue, IL. American Quilt Exhibition. National Jewelry Invitational. Bruce Brice: Paintings. MFA Thesis Exhibitions.
  • 1974: Krazy Kat Kartoons. Richmond Artists Co-op. Student Exchange, Corcoran School of Art, Washington, DC. Sculpture (students & faculty). Carvings of Miles B. Carpenter. School of the Arts Foundation Program Student Exhibition. Art Education, Interior Design, Communication Arts & Design, Crafts (students & faculty). Joanne Fridley. Sculpture by Anthony Rice. Etchings & Sculpture by William Randall Schade. Sculpture by Eleanor Taylor. Jewett Campbell: Paintings. Milo Russell: Paintings. Photography (faculty). Three Contemporary Student Printmakers. Tribute to the Mid-West Show. Recent Works from the West Broadway Co-op Gallery, NY. Student Photography Exhibition. Daumier Prints from the Permanent Collection. New Acquisitions from the Permanent Collection. Jane Lyon: Recent Serigraphs. Student Work/Summer 1974. Painting & Printmaking (faculty). Glenn Scarboro: Recent Photographs. Fay Zetlin: Recent Paintings. Recent Works by New Studio Faculty. Five from Fashion Design. National Photography Invitational. MFA Thesis Exhibitions.
  • 1975: Sculpture (students & faculty). Chair Show. Communication Arts & Design (students & faculty). Recent Paintings: Thomas Desmidt, Durwood Domissee, Michael Wheatley. Charles Roques: Recent Works. Recent Works: Davi Det Hompson, David Sucec. Heather Holden: Recent Drawings & Videotapes. Crafts & Interior Design (students & faculty). Jewish Art, Collection of Beth Ahaba Synagogue. James Baumgardner: Recent Paintings. Annual Student Exhibition: Paintings, Prints & Drawings. Three Graduating Printmakers. New Washington Women. Graduate Students, Sculpture: Rob McCurdy, Bob Boyce, Tom Chenoweth. Recent Photographs: Marsha Polier, Prue Face. Gary Johnson: Recent Photographs. Steve McPeters: Drawings. Painting & Printmaking (faculty). Bill Wagner: Recent Works. Advanced Placement Student Workshop. Polish Graphics. Ida Trusch: Recent Sculpture. Art Deco in Richmond. Southeastern Society of Photography Education & VCU Photography Faculty. MFA Thesis Exhibitions.
  • 1976: Metals Invitational 1975. Richard Carlyon: Recent Works. Sculpture Department Exhibition. Leonard Kesl: Recent Works. John Brewer: Recent Works. Communications Arts & Design (students & faculty). Annual Foundation Program Student Exhibition. Interior Design (students & faculty). A Mask of Reality: Theater Faculty & Students. Crafts (student & faculty). Annual Student Painting & Printmaking Exhibition. Selections from the Permanent Collection. Summer Invitational. Ron Snapp: Recent Works. Summer Advanced Foundation Workshop. Richmond Weavers Co-op Exhibition. VCU Graduate Invitational. Painting & Printmaking (faculty). Bernard Martin: Recent Works. Restoration of St. Cecilia, Strozzi?. Drawing Contempo. Selections from the Permanent Collection. MFA Thesis Exhibitions.
  • 1977: Bruce Barton: Recent Works. New Faculty Exhibition. Four from Maryland. Sculpture (students & faculty). Tactile Exhibition. Susanne Arnold & Mimi Golub Scalin. Communication Arts & Design, Interior Design, Art Education, Crafts (students & faculty). Annual Foundation Program Student Exhibition. Photo ‘76 of Rochester Institute of Technology. Annual Student Painting & Printmaking Exhibition. See Bath in Ink, Jon Bowie. 14 Women Artists. Michael Christopherson: Sculpture. British Printmaking: Contemporary Directions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions.
  • 1978: Our America, Drawings by Abraham Rattner. Ruth Abrams: Microcosms. Sam Gilliam: Extensions Part 1. Charles Schmidt: The Mechanical Landscape. Juried Student Design Show. First Annual Student Fine Arts Exhibition. Tom Lewis: Bee Sculpture. Morris Yarowsky: Recent Paintings. Donato: Recent Works. Valerie Perkinson: The Light of Color. VCU Alumni Exhibition. Manipulative Photography. Native Visions. The American Comic Strip. The Unclassified Section: Three Artists from New York. Mota Mail: 1976-1978. Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Images of Mexico. New Faculty ‘78. Nancy Strube: Creativity, Art & Science. Artists’ Portraits of Artists. Late 20th Century Art from the Sydney & Frances Lewis Foundation. MFA Thesis Exhibitions.
  • 1979: Faculty Show. Ring Exhibition. Eucalyptus Tree Studio. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibition. The Discount Store: Red Grooms. The Lamp Show. Carol Catherine Steinke, 1940-1978. Women Smoking: The Permanent Collection. Life of the Anderson Gallery. Gary Winogrand: Photographs. Ten Works on Paper from the 70s. Lester Van Winkle: An Installation. Advanced Placement Workshop Exhibition. Three Bravura Painters of the Human Figure: William Beckman, Jillian Denby & James Valerio. American Printmaking Invitational. Index 1: Jake Berthot. Portraits: Seven Prints from the Permanent Collection. Index 2: Allen Moore Paintings. Lester Van Winkle. Time to Show: Graduate Sculpture. Art of the Kuba. Five in Fiber. Index 3: Stephany Brodie Lederman. MFA Thesis Exhibitions.
  • 1980: Index 4: Francis Barth, Selected Works from a Russian Abecedary. Andy Warhol, Selected Paintings & Drawings from the Still Life Works of 1976. Seven Prints from the Permanent Collection. Three Artists in Richmond: Stefany Blyn, Richard Carlyon & Thomas Desmidt. Contemporary Art at Paine Webber. Index 5: Micheal Howard. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Book Art. Joan Snyder. Works on Paper by Contemporary American Painters. Five Artists in Richmond, Summer. Figures in Interiors. Works on Paper from Richmond Collections. Eleven Directions at VCU. Prints: Bochner, Lewitt, Mangold, Marden, Martin, Renouf, Rockburne & Ryman. Index 6: Leon Polk Smith. Index 7: Contemporary Urbi-cultural Documentation. School of the Arts Faculty Show. Eros in the Embrace of Xerox. Paul Staiger: Three Early Paintings. Alen MacWeeney: Photographs. Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Photographs. Juried Student Craft Sale. What We Learned At Art School, Four Seniors in Sculpture.
  • 1981: Outdoors in America. Index 9: Cecil Abish. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Senior Student CA&D Show. Index 9: Alfred Jensen. We Just Work Here. Council of Visitors PAP Exhibition. A Point Of Departure, Sculpture Seniors. Four Painterly Painters. Schoenberg, Memorabilia. Alumni Exhibition. Central Asian & Contemporary Ikats. David Schrim Drawings. Jeff Davis: Large Paintings. Schemes: A Decade of Installation Drawings. Donald Cole: Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture. Sam Wiener & Evangeline Tabasco. La Joie De Vivre: Prints from the Permanent Collection. Paul Rotterdam: Drawings & Paintings. Works to be Destroyed. Denise Green: Ellipses. Craig Kauffman: Comprehensive Survey, 1957-1980. Carolyn Montague Sculpture. Nine Skinny Artists Working in Richmond. Japanese Prints Today.
  • 1982: Jud Fine: Works from Shime/Stone. Kent Floeter: The Golden Calf. Terry Berkowitz: The Albino Room. Sharon Gold: Paintings. Selections: Student Crafts. Nature Transformed. Messages: Words & Images. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Juried Student PAP Exhibition. Buildings for Best Products. Post-Modernist Design. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Senior CA&D Show. Coverlets, Carousel Figures & Cigarstore Indians. Nancy Lensen-Tomasson & Willie Ann Wright: Photographs. Lee James: Ghosts. An Alumni View. Common Sense. Marnie Hillsley: An Installation. Helge Jorgensen: An Installation. Pat Adams: Paintings. John Baldessari: Art as Riddle. Fred Escher. Marcy Edelstein. Joan Gaustad. Tony Shriver. What It Is: Black American Folk Art from the Collection of Dr. Regenia Perry. Photographs: Edward Boubat & Robert Doisneau. Drawing VCU, A Juried Student Show. Teresa Bramlette: Dying Field. Aspects of Perception. Visual Arts Faculty, Recent Work.
  • 1983: Corinne Bronfman: Shades of Gray. William Wegman. Michael Goldberg. Gary Burnley. Reni Gower: Bless This House. Student Sculpture Show. Walter Dusenbery. Luna Garcia. Divola, Henkel, Parker & Pfahl. Samizdat: Underground Art by Soviet Artists. Privileged Access, Student Book Art. Senior CA&D Show. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Alumni of the Masonic Temple. Site: Highrise of Homes. Imagined: Photographs by John Heroy, Barbara Kasten, Nancy Rexroth & Joanne Ross. Southern Fervor: Contemporary Religious Iconography. Personal Domains, Student Proposal Show. Komar & Melamid. Masters of Contemporary Drawing I: Francesc Torres. Francesc Torres: Tough Limbo. Aid to the Injured, Student Proposal Show. On the Move: Transportation Toys from the Lawrence Scripps Wilkinson Collection. Masters of Contemporary Drawing II: Douglas Higgins. Albrecht Durer: Prints from the Permanent Collection. Eric Lipman Collection. New Paintings: Stephen Ellis, John Borden Evans, Ron Morosan & Dona Nelson.
  • 1984: Richard Nonas: Drawings & Sculptures. Masters of Contemporary Drawings & Sculptures. Masters of Contemporary Drawing III: Peter Berg. Adjacent Quarters: Sculpture by Katherine Nicely, Sandra Butler, Charles Ponticello & Cinthia Becker. Hil Scott: Elaborations. Words & Images, Student Proposal Show. Mallory Callan: The Figure and Stylistic Manifestoes. Lester Van Winkle: New Work. Kevin Kelley: Doppelganger. Masters of Contemporary Drawing IV: Stanley Whitney. Masters of Contemporary Drawing V: Dotty Attie. Personae: Sculpture from Africa & New Guinea. Frank Cole: Arm Is Candlelight. Senior CA&D Show. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Fill In the Blanks I. Fill In the Blanks II. Judy Rifka: Major Works 1981-1984. Masters of Contemporary Drawing VI: Wonsook Kim. Adding It Up. Open and Disclosed: Contemporary Books. Off Center: Seven Birmingham Artists. Masters of Contemporary Drawing VII: Robert Stackhouse. Three Approaches to Abstraction: Harriet Korman, Bernard Martin & Bill Richards. Visiting Artists’ Prints from the Permanent Collection & PAP Department. Jim Dow: Stadium Panoramas. Doll Houses from the Collection of Joanne Levay. Prints from the Permanent Collection. Graphics to Go. Ida Applebroog: Silences. Mark Sullivan: Mimic, Studies in Light & Shadow. Carbon Dioxide & Women With Titles, Student Proposal Shows. 
  • 1985: Jewett Campbell: A Self Portrait. Rita Myers: In the Planet of the Eye and Gate. Variations on a Theme, Student Proposal Show. Robert Milhollin: Landscapes. Solo Shows: Carlie Collier, Aggie Zed, Saul Ostrow, Ted Victoria & Gerald Wolfe. Four Corners of Representation, Student Proposal Show. Ralph Raphael Fleming: The Artist Working on the Day After. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions, MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Nell Blaine: Work from Richmond Collections. Miles B. Carpenter: 96 Miles. Steve Poleskie: Art Flyer. MFA ½, First Year Graduates’ Show. VCU Faculty Exhibition. Eikoh Hosoe: BA.RA.KEI/Ordeal by Roses. John Dickson: Christmas. Jay Musler: Glass Sculpture. Catherine Roseberry & Rob Womack: Bravura Coloratura. Un Idea Meccanica: A Project Drawing. Future Histories: The Impact of Changing Technology. We Like to Watch: Video Shorts Selected by Terry Berkowitz. Holiday Art Market. Juried Student Drawing Show.
  • 1986: Larry Miller: As if the Universe were an Object, Selected Works 1969-1985. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Three Heads Are Better Than One, Student Proposal Exhibition. Senior CA&D Show. Fill In the Blanks I. Fill In the Blanks II. Theresa Pollak: An Artist’s World. John Pfahl: Altered Landscapes, Power Places & Missile Glyphs. Edouard Duval-Carrie, Paintings. Luis Cruz Azaceta, Paintings & Drawings. Garnett Puett, Sculpture & Installation with Bees. MFA Seminar Drawing Exhibition. Holiday Art Market. Winslow Homer: Prints from Harper’s Weekly. You Send Me, Postal Art Exhibition. Eugenia Balcells: From the Center. 
  • 1987: Sue Cole: Police State. Robert Lobe, Sculpture. MFA Candidates from Cornell. Do Not Touch, Student Proposal Show. A Resting Place: An Installation by Ralph Eaton. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Leslie Payne: Old Airplane Builder Homemade. Tom Rybak: We’ve Been Had, Brother. Ralph Fleming: New Visuals. Faculty Show. Jerry N. Uelsmann: A Portfolio of Photographs. An Exhibition of Posters: The Basel School of Design & Its Philosophy, The Armin Hofmann Years 1946-1986. Three Realists from the Fendrick. Faces Figures.
  • 1988: Hunt Slonem: Baroque Beatitudes. All the News That’s Fit for Prints, MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Donald Baechler, Paintings 1981-1987. Antonio Tàpies, Graphic Work 1947-1987. Thomas Florschuetz. Der Lauf Der Dinge: A Film by David Weiss & Peter Fischl. Art & The Law. Holiday Art Market.
  • 1989: Surface & Intent: Joseph Amar, Carole Seborovski & Ford Beckman. Clemens Weiss: Installation No.2. Emeriti Faculty Show. Mallory Callan: Works from the Permanent Collection. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Coastal Exchange, Juried Exhibition of Artists from Virginia, Georgia & Maryland. Bird Dogs & Surians: Larry Turner. Collecting, Organizing & Transposing. James Drake: The Border/La Frontera. School of the Arts Faculty Exhibition. X-Rayed (Altered): Dorit Cypis. Argentina Print Show. Still Performances: Rimma Gerlovina & Valeriy Gerlovin.
  • 1990: Abstraction in Contemporary Photography. April Greiman, Large-Scale Posters. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibition. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Special Projects. Selections from the Permanent Collections. Flesh It Out. Nightmare Works: Tibor Hajas. Maura Sheehan: Geography Lesson. Gustavo Fares: Marginalia. Michael Shaughnessy. Terry Adkins. Clay in the East. Cape Dorset Prints. Holiday Art Market.
  • 1991: Smorgan Collection of Contemporary Australian Art. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Kyoto Fibers, Fiber Art from Sejan Women’s College. Vincent D. Smith: Riding on a Blue Note. Private Stories: Rainer Gross, Michael Goldberg, Jeff Way & Jay Milder. Selections from the de la Burdé Collection. Conceptualism: Selections from the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design. Alfredo Jaar: Geography = War. VCU Biennial Faculty Exhibition. Aids Awareness Competition & Reception.
  • 1992: Alfredo Ceibal: Morir Sonndo/ To Die Dreaming. The Nearest Edge of the World: Art & Cuba Now. Annual Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. 18 MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Gathering Forces IV. Crossing Over/Changing Places. Lorna Simpson. Lynne Cohen. Milo Russell.
  • 1993: Rainer Gross: Inheritance Without Equal & Without Words, Private Stories. Charles Renick. Contemporary Czechoslovak Posters. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. James Hendricks: Recent Paintings & Drawings. Alastair Noble: Oneiric Threshold. Anonymity & Identity. Aids Awareness Exhibition: A Visual Experience. VCU Biennial Faculty Exhibition.
  • 1994: X-PRZ: JST BCZ UR PARANOID DNT THNK THYR NT AFTR U, Malcolm X, Part I. Ned Cartledge: Under the Cloak of Justice. Tomas Gonda: A Life in Design. Juried Student Fine Arts & Design Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Brian Weil: Every 17 Seconds. The Gift: Photographs from Permanent Collection. Resistance & Rescue. Lawley Paisley-Jones: Two Rooms, The Replication of Incomprehensible Disquietude. William Fick: Hooligans. Orshi Drozdik: Manufacturing the Self: Body Self/Medical Erotic.
  • 1995: Repicturing Abstraction: The Politics of Space. Dwelling: Craig Pleasants. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Projects: New Work by Viginia Artists. Summer Champions: Up Against the Nagual. VCU Biennial Faculty Exhibition. Faculty Focus Exhibitions. Paper Prayers. The Rites of Science: Barbara MacCallum. Brilliant Stories: American Narrative Jewelry. Robert Beckman: The Body of a House. From absurdity to Austerity: The Photography of Richard Kent Hough.
  • 1996: Lorenzo Pace: Honor Thy Father & Mother. Effective Sight: The Paintings of Juan Logan. Kendall Buster: The Shell That Remains. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Projects: New Work by Virginia Artists. Artchampions: Reparking Your Karma. The Mountain Lake Workshop: Artists in Locale. Sue Johnson: The Alternate Encyclopedia. Yoko Ono: Fly. Baldwin + Hompson: WRDZ. Once A Pack - Now A Carton, Coffin. 
  • 1997: Arnaldo Roche-Rabell: The Uncommonwealth. Monique Prieto. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Hong Kong Now!. Faculty Focus Exhibition 1. Faculty Focus Exhibition 2.
  • 1998: Presumed Innocence. Gregory Crewdson. Elizabeth Murray: Works on Paper. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Ruth Clyde Proffitt: An Unrecognized Artist. Present Tense: Selections from the Permanent Collection. William Dunlap: In the Spirit of the Land. Rene Gower: Trace/Quatrace. Bernard Martin: Monet’s Time Clocks (12am-11pm). Dale Chihuly.
  • 1999: Sharon Horvath: Recent Paintings. Shared Roots: Sculpture by VCU Alumni. Design Commons: Design in the Commonplace. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions. Affinities with Architecture. Clair Lieberman: Walking thru Jello. From the Permanent Collection, Aaron Siskind: Surface Abstraction. Recent Acquisitions: From the Collection Of Jonathan & Janet Geldzahler. Davi Det Hompson: Just Out of Reach, Thunk. Gregory Barsamian: Innuendo Non Troppo. Faculty Focus Exhibitions.
  • 2000: Into My Eyes: The Photography of Thomas Daniel. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Divine Humility: Jesus Icons in Contemporary Mexico by Robert E. Lewis. Jacqueline Bishop: Terra. Selections from the Permanent Collection: New Gifts. The State of Broad: Paintings by Bett Busang. From Idea to Matter.
  • 2001: Time, Memory & Meditation: Works by Jim Campbell. A Century of Innovative Book Design. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Virginia Watercolor Society Juried Exhibition. David Freed: Printmaker. Faculty Focus Exhibition.
  • 2002: Young + Brash + Abstract. The George & Helen Spelvin Folk Art Collection. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Making Faces: Portraiture in Photography from the Collection. The Society of Illustrators Traveling Exhibition, 2001 - 2002. Fiber, Clay & Mixed Media: Three Master Artist/Craftsmen.
  • 2003: Gregory Barsamian: Lather. Thinking with Blood: Conflict & Culture in the American South. Return to Normandy: Photographs by Allen Jones. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Maurice Bonds: A Retrospective. Marsha Burns: Portrait of America. Baby-Boom Daydreams: The Art of Douglas Bourgeois. Paul Muick: Selected Picks/New Paintings. Faculty Focus Exhibitions.
  • 2004: Origins: Works on Paper by Theresa Pollak. The Wondrous World of L-15: The Multiple Arts and Personae of Bernard G. Shatz. Juried Student Design & Fine Arts Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Maryann Harmon: Paintings. The Society of Illustrators Traveling Exhibition, 2003-04. Selected Works from the Private Collection of a VCU Alumnus. Islamic Calligraphy from the State of Qatar. Heide Fasnacht: Strange Attractors. 
  • 2005: Pivot Points. Penumbra: Installation Works by Genna Watson. Juried Student Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. The Bad Boys of Photography. Relativity. Surface Charge.
  • 2006: Highlights: Print Selections from the Permanent Collection. Disturbance: Video Installations by Bob Paris. Juried Student Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. From the Seat of Authority. The Human Touch: Selections from the RBC Dain Raucsher Art Collection. Artificial Light.
  • 2007: Gerald Donato: Reinventing the Game. Juried Student Design, Fine Arts & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibition: Round II. Transformer. Ixchel’s Thread: Maya Weavings from the Bowdler Collection.
  • 2008: Familiar Faces. Gord Peteran: Furniture Meets Its Maker. Juried Student Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Portraits: More than Just a Pretty Face. Fiona Ross: The Thread in the Labyrinth. Rob Matthews: Knoxville Girl. The Divas and Iron Chefs of Encaustic. Landscapes without Memory: Photographs by Joan Fontcuberta.
  • 2009: Embodying the Sacred in Yoruba Art: Featuring the Bernard & Patricia Wagner Collection. The Beaded Prayers Project. Juried Student Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Travelogue: Martin Parr/Small world & Autoportraits, Michelle Van Parys/The Way Out West, Olaf Breuning/Home 2, Theresa Pollak/On Location. Richard Carlyon: A Retrospective.
  • 2010: Amy Hauft: Counter Re-formation. Francis Cape: Home Front. Juried Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Social Skin. Photographs by Lalla Essaydi: L’Ecriture Féminine/ Le Corps Féminin. Imaging South Africa: Collection Projects by Siemon Allen. When Janey Comes Marching Home: Portraits of Women Combat Veterans (traveling exhibition).
  • 2011: The Nameless Hour: Places of Reverie, Paths of Reflection. Juried Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Knock, Knock! From the Collection of Paul and Sara Monroe. Environment & Object, Recent African Art.
  • 2012: you, your sun and shadow. Juried Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Undergraduate Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II. Summer Mixer: From the Collection of Eclectic Electric. Jennifer Steinkamp: The Vanquished. Rosemarie Fiore: Fireworks. Steven Holl Architects: Forking Time (off site at Virginia Center for Architecture). Arlene Shechet: That Time. Judith Godwin: Early Abstractions.
  • 2013: Brian Ulrich: Copia?Retail, Thrift and Dark Stores, 2001-2011. Close Out?Retail Relics and Ephermera. Juried Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II (31 exhibitors). Sanford Biggers: Codex. Jacob Lawrence: The Harriet Tubman Series. Ron Johnson in the Cool Spot Lounge. Nancy Spero: Towards Liberation. Bohyun Yoon: Neighbors. Project 35: Volume 2. Hilary Wilder in the Cool Spot Lounge.
  • 2014: LaToya Ruby Frasier: A Haunted Capital. Easter Partegás: You Are Here. Juried Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions (45 exhibitors). Guy Ben Ner: At Home. Imbricative: Drawings by Jack Wax. Forecast.
  • 2015: Myron Helfgott: An Inventory of My Thoughts. Juried Fine Arts, Design & Kinetic Imaging Exhibitions. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round I. MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Round II (35 exhibitors).