VCU Libraries Gallery

Funeral notices and obituaries for Louisa Nelson, preserved by James Branch Cabell in his scrapbook


M214 Scrapbook 2 Box 16_Louisa Nelson_obits rsz.jpg
Mrs Louisa Nelson obituary rsz.jpg
Richmond Planet Feb 20 1904 VolXXI No11 p1 cols 6_7 rsz.jpg
Times Dispatch Feb 9 1904 p10 col5_6 rsz.jpg
Times Dispatch likely_Notice of letter to Rev WT Johnson rsz.jpg
Times Dispatch Richmond February 8 1904 _likely rsz.jpg
M214 Scrapbook 2 Box 16_Louisa Nelson_obits rsz.jpg
Mrs Louisa Nelson obituary rsz.jpg
Richmond Planet Feb 20 1904 VolXXI No11 p1 cols 6_7 rsz.jpg
Times Dispatch Feb 9 1904 p10 col5_6 rsz.jpg
Times Dispatch likely_Notice of letter to Rev WT Johnson rsz.jpg
Times Dispatch Richmond February 8 1904 _likely rsz.jpg
Title: Funeral notices and obituaries for Louisa Nelson, preserved by James Branch Cabell in his scrapbook
Date: 1904
Description: Louisa Nelson was the beloved nurse of James Branch Cabell and his brothers Robert G. Cabell and John L. Cabell. She lived with the Cabell family for 25 years, employed first a a nurse, then later as a maid to the boys' mother, Anne Cabell.

Louisa Nelson's death was noted in newspapers from both the black and white communities of Richmond, including The Times Dispatch and The Richmond Planet. 

Shown here is the page from Cabell's scrapbook and details of the individual articles, several of which have been identified from their original sources. When available, citation information may be viewed by hovering over the image.
“Funeral notices and obituaries for Louisa Nelson, preserved by James Branch Cabell in his scrapbook,” VCU Libraries Gallery, accessed January 25, 2025,