VCU Libraries Gallery

Browse Items (145 total)

A collection of stories about eccentric characters such as Martin Van Buchell, “surgeon, dentist, and professor in the art of cutting fistulas, &c, &c.” Francis Battalia, The Stone-Eater, who“devoured about half a peck of…
CT 9990_P67 1819 F Battalia the stone eater rsz.jpg

Decorative telegram typically used for congratulatory messages.


Deutsche Reichspost telegramm front rsz.jpg

Songs recorded by participants in CORE's Freedom Highways project in the summer of 1962. The project was designed to open chain restaurants along major federal highways to all persons.

Vinyl LP and songbook.
Dauntless DM 4301, a division of Audio…
M1977 _P75S57 1962 Sit-in Songs CORE cover rsz small.jpg

Epigraphs: The Messiah will only come when he is no longer needed. --Franz Kafka It's the end of the world as we know it (And I feel fine.) --R.E.M.
PS 3568_O233S55 1990 Skinny legs and all cover rsz.jpg

World War I pamphlet warning soldiers of the effect of sexually transmitted diseases.
From the William E. Blake Collection.
UH 630_S65_1914 Soldier Attention front cover crop rsz.jpg

Epigraphs: You don't need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Don't even listen, simply wait. Don't even wait. Be still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you. To be unmasked, it has no choice. It will roll…
PS 3568_O233S85 Still Life With Woodpecker cover rsz.jpg

Part 1: The Evolution of Modesty, The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicty, Auto-Eroticism.
Part 2: Analysis of the Sexual Impulse, Love and Pain, The Sexual Impulse in Women
HQ 21_E58 1936 v1 rsz.jpg

"This is not an autobiography. God forbid! Autobiography is fueled by ego and I could make a long list of persons whose belly buttons I'd rather be contemplating than my own.... I'd like to think Tibetan Peach Pie isn't a memoir either, although it…
PS 3568_O233A3_2014 Tom Robbins Tibetan Peach Pie cover rsz.jpg
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