Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life
Title: Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life
Creator: Robbins, Tom
Date: 2014
Source: PS 3568 .O233 A3 2014
Description: "This is not an autobiography. God forbid! Autobiography is fueled by ego and I could make a long list of persons whose belly buttons I'd rather be contemplating than my own.... I'd like to think Tibetan Peach Pie isn't a memoir either, although it waddles and quacks enough like a memoir to be mistaken for one if the light isn't right...."
Collection: Rare Books and Periodicals
Citation: Robbins, Tom, “Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life,” VCU Libraries Gallery, accessed February 14, 2025, https://gallery.library.vcu.edu/items/show/79622.