The Case Against the Red Light
Title: The Case Against the Red Light
Creator: American Social Hygiene Association, New York City
Date: 1920
Source: M 9 Box 54, Folder "Social Hygiene" Adèle Goodman Clark papers, 1849-1978.
Publisher: United States Public Health Service cooperating with the State Board of Health, Richmond, Virginia
Description: Venereal disease bulletin, no. 54.
Public health pamphlet arguing that prostitution spreads venereal disease and cannot be "segregated, licensed, and made sanitary."
Public health pamphlet arguing that prostitution spreads venereal disease and cannot be "segregated, licensed, and made sanitary."
Relation: In “Publications Recently Issued by the Bureau of the Public Health Service” Public Health Reports (1896-1970) Vol. 35, No. 41 (Oct. 8, 1920), pp. 2403-2408.
Collection: Adèle Goodman Clark
Citation: American Social Hygiene Association, New York City
, “The Case Against the Red Light,” VCU Libraries Gallery, accessed January 21, 2025,