VCU Libraries Gallery

Reply to letter, Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, May 13, 1944


M333 Box 5 VLPP scrapbook letter reply p1.jpg
M333 Box 5 VLPP scrapbook letter reply p2.jpg
M333 Box 5 VLPP scrapbook letter reply p1.jpg
M333 Box 5 VLPP scrapbook letter reply p2.jpg
Title: Reply to letter, Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, May 13, 1944
Creator: Smith, Ellen H., Corresponding Secretary, Virginia League for Planned Parenthood
Date: May 13, 1944
Description: Dear Mrs. ___

Safe and reliable methods of birth control require an examination by a doctor who has been trained in this field of medicine. Each woman varies so much that only a doctor can decide what is best for each case. I wish so much that we could send you information by mail which would help you, but it is only legal for doctors to give this information when it is best for the patient. It is legal for doctors, however, and I enclose a leaflet "Questions and Answers About Planned Parenthood" which, on page 7, tells you this. Show it to the doctor you see, and also the Guest Editorials appearing recently in the Virginia Medical Monthly. Also show them this letter.

Have you asked your County Health Officer, Dr. Linwood Farley, to advise you what to do? You can address him at Norton, Virginia. You might also write your County nurses, Miss Jennie Jones and Miss Myra Senseney at the same address. Also try writing your Supterindent [sic] of Public Welfare , Mrs. Bessie Lamb Woolfolk, at Norton. Sometimes the Maternal and Child Health Clinics in county health department will give pregnancy spacing advice.

We have a list of doctors in your county who have shown an interest in planned parenthood. Perhaps you have not been to one of them, and if not, you might try seeing them and secure advice from one of tem. Their names are:

Dr. William N. Botts and Dr. R. W. Holley-- Appalachia
Dr. W. OConnor Cox,.........................St. Paul
Dr. T. E. Chapman................................St. Paul

We hope so much that you can get the help you need from one of these suggestions. It is

(page 2) possible that an operation is necessary for you, and that is what the doctors meant when they said it would be very expensive. Perhaps one of the doctors, or the Superentendent [sic] of Public Welfare, or your County nurses, can tell you where an operation can be performed if it is necessary. I hope that this is not necessary.

Under separate cover we are mailing you some of our educational material, which tells of the need for planned parenthood to protect the health of mothers and babies.

We are so glad that you wrote to us and we hope that you can find a physician who can and will help you. We wish that some of our clinics were nearer to you. You can see from the leaflet "Please--I Don't Want to Leave Them" where they are located.

Yours sincerely,

Ellen H. Smith
Corresponding Secretary

P.S. Our Medical Committee will be glad to mail a copy of "Techniques of Conception Control" to an M.D. (doctor) requesting it.
Smith, Ellen H., Corresponding Secretary, Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, “Reply to letter, Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, May 13, 1944,” VCU Libraries Gallery, accessed March 14, 2025,