Danio rerio
Title: Danio rerio
Description: Transverse section of Danio rerio at 48 hours post fertilization. The image was taken using a 63X water immersion objective. The embryo was sectioned, via a Vibratome, into a 50um section and was then immunostained with the fluorescent dyes DAPI(blue) and Phalloidin(green).
The transverse section is located in rhombomere 5, which is the defined as the hindbrain. This stain (DAPI and Phalloidin) was a visual tool that highlighted the nucleus of each cell (blue) as well as the surrounding membrane filaments (green). This section was a great educational tool, as it shows different cell "anatomies" such as columnar, cuboidal, etc.
Alexander Burkard, Student,
Images were produced on a Zeiss Observer Z.1 spinning disk confocal microscope, and a Zeiss axiocam ICc 1 served as the camera. Zen computer application served as a tool for analysis and quantification.
The transverse section is located in rhombomere 5, which is the defined as the hindbrain. This stain (DAPI and Phalloidin) was a visual tool that highlighted the nucleus of each cell (blue) as well as the surrounding membrane filaments (green). This section was a great educational tool, as it shows different cell "anatomies" such as columnar, cuboidal, etc.
Alexander Burkard, Student,
Images were produced on a Zeiss Observer Z.1 spinning disk confocal microscope, and a Zeiss axiocam ICc 1 served as the camera. Zen computer application served as a tool for analysis and quantification.
Identifier: ttlg-08
Citation: “Danio rerio,” VCU Libraries Gallery, accessed January 5, 2025, https://gallery.library.vcu.edu/items/show/2735.