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De Morbis Acutis et Chronicis, title page
De Morbis Acutis et Chronicis, by Caelius Aurelianus (fl. 5th century) is believed to be based on the Greek originals by Soranus of Ephesus. The 1709 edition in the Flax Collection was edited by Johann Conrad Amman with Theodoor Jansson Almeloveen.
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML
Escuela española de sordomudos ó, Arte para enseñarles á escribir y hablar el idioma español
In 1795, Lorenzo Hervás (1735-1809) published this two volume work for deaf mutes. The second volume, Escuela Española De Sordomundos contain several foldouts illustrating the early sign language alphabet, one of which is viewable here.
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML
Medicina Gymnastica or Every Man his Own Physician, title page
Medicina Gymnastica by Francis Fuller (1670-1706) was the first work in English on the power of exercise in treating disease. The Flax collection contains the 7th edition of this work published in 1740.
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML
De Arte Gymnastica, p. 164
A depiction of rope dancers using a petaurum.
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML
El Gimnasio, plate 2
Plate 2 demonstrating exercises done with 'las argollas ó anillas' (loops or rings).
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML
El Gimnasio, Plate 3
Plate 3, illustrating various types of equipment and exercises.
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML
Enchiridion, fork
Image of a combination knife/fork for use by the one-handed.
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML
Enchiridion, list
List of items described in the text that were available for purchase.
Tags: Flax, rare books, TML