Title page of Billy Debeck's copy of His Vanished Star by Mary Noailles Mufree, 1894. [Mufree wrote under the pen name Charles Egbert Craddock.] Stamp of the Library of the Young Women's Christian Association of Brooklyn, New York.
Title: Title page of Billy Debeck's copy of His Vanished Star by Mary Noailles Mufree, 1894. [Mufree wrote under the pen name Charles Egbert Craddock.] Stamp of the Library of the Young Women's Christian Association of Brooklyn, New York.
Source: PS 2454 .H4 1894, Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, VCU Libraries.
Collection: Rare Books and Periodicals
Citation: “Title page of Billy Debeck's copy of His Vanished Star by Mary Noailles Mufree, 1894. [Mufree wrote under the pen name Charles Egbert Craddock.] Stamp of the Library of the Young Women's Christian Association of Brooklyn, New York.,” VCU Libraries Gallery, accessed January 22, 2025, https://gallery.library.vcu.edu/items/show/2816.